搜索"王朝" ,找到 35部影视作品
公元1722年康熙驾崩,素有“冷面王”之称的四阿哥胤祯(唐国强 饰)继位 。胤禛虽然并不是朝野所看好的皇位人选,却是康熙亲自选择的雍正皇帝。他在江南“煸动”灾民闹事,在城隍庙摆鸿门宴掏走了地方官和富商二百多万两银子筹款赈灾;他追讨国库欠款,逼得老臣上吊;刑部冤狱案,他隔岸观火,让八阿哥和太子斗得两败俱伤;百官行贿案,他借年羹尧之手血洗江夏镇,使得太子再度被废。 雍正当政后出现的山西诺敏案、科场舞弊案中,雍正杀了一批牵扯进去的朝廷中枢重臣。西北用兵、数省天灾,急需军费和赈灾,抄贪官污吏的家财,解决急需。而后的“摊丁入亩、火耗归公”、“士绅一体当差、一体纳粮”、“河南罢考案”、“铁帽子亲王大殿发难逼宫”、“含泪杀亲子”等一系列旨在推行新政、抑制官绅敛财和宫廷内部党争、挤压的历史事件贯穿雍正的一生和雍正王朝......
Lucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the country for more than three centuries. It’s an epic tale that includes giant figures such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, the devastating struggle against Napoleon in 1812, and the shocking murders of Nicholas II and his family in 1918 which brought the dynasty to a brutal end. The Romanovs were the most powerful European monarchs since the Middle Ages, wielding unmatched authority into the 20th century. Lucy will see how they embraced and sponsored the arts on an astonishing scale, commissioning artworks and building spectacular palaces that still dazzle today. Yet many ordinary Russians were little better than slaves, and the failure of the Romanovs to address their condition would ultimately lead to revolution. In this new three-part series, Lucy will apply her characteristic insight, attention to detail and wit to the Romanov dynasty. Her understanding of royal tradition and culture, and her gift for bringing historical characters vividly to life, will create a fresh and compelling account of this unique royal family.